Refocusing Service Management for the whole business Delivering service management is no longer just the responsibility of IT As the needs of the business, its staff, customers, partners and suppliers grows, so too do the demands on service provision. In a stripped back and simplified way, IT has been able to deliver quality service management […]
Cloud, on-premises or hybrid?
Cloud vs on-premises vs hybrid – which is best? Service technology solutions can be deployed in several different ways. But which is right for you and which offers the security you require? At a high level, there are usually three different options for service technology delivery, either locally hosted, or private or public cloud or […]
Cloud data security
How safe is your data in the cloud? If you are wrestling with the idea of moving your customer and application data to the cloud, there are several fundamental things to consider. Who owns the data? The premise of switching to an ITSM SaaS solution is that you take your customer data and store it in a […]
ITSM & IT security
The role of ITSM in the big IT security debate Recent events such as WannaCry and other hacking threats have caused budget holders to refocus on network and end-point IT security – but they may be missing the point. There is little doubt that headline-grabbing events such as the WannaCry NHS attacks in the UK […]
Cut the fluff – Why ITSM needs to simplify
Cut the fluff – Why ITSM needs to simplify IT Service Management (ITSM). A phrase that seems fairly simple to understand but has become a hugely complex and involved industry. To most people, IT Service Management is just that: managing the service offered by IT. But what does this mean in practice? Searching for a […]